Raymond Village Community Church Offers Contemplative, Restorative Longest-Night Candlelight Service
Tuesday, December 8th, 7:00PM – 8:00 PM
Raymond Village Community Church (UCC)
27 Main Street, Raymond Village
RVCC welcomes all who are feeling the stress of the Christmas season to a unique and restorative Longest-Night Candlelight Service. Christmas is a time of rejoicing, but for many also a bittersweet time of year. As we approach the longest night of the year, leave the darkness behind and bring with you what you find most difficult about the holidays. The Senior Choir will be singing and the service will be a time to find healing, wholeness, and maybe even yourself, this holiday season. There will be readings, prayers, candles, carols, and ample time for quiet reflection. No offering will be taken.
RVCC: Small Church, Big Heart!
Raymond Village Community Church is a United Church of Christ congregation. It is a diverse faith community embracing tolerance, committed to missions and outreach, and welcoming all people no matter where they are on their faith journey. For more information about RVCC, contact Rev. Nancy Foran, Pastor, at 655-7749 or [email protected]