Whereas the town of Raymond offers residents and visitors a desirable place to live, work, and play in the heart of the Lakes region,
Whereas the Town of Raymond seeks to generate business investment and expansion in order to create jobs, balance the property tax base, and foster attractive development,
Whereas the Town of Raymond seeks to generate robust dialogue amongst business, community, and government leaders with the goal of improving the local business climate,
Now therefore be it resolved that the Raymond Town Selectmen hereby appoints an Economic Development Task Force comprised of the following individuals:
Sharon Dodson
Laurie Forbes
Elissa Gifford
Bob Harmon
Mike McClellan
Rolf Olsen
Teresa Sadak
This Task Force shall marshal the resources and expertise necessary to report back to the Town Council no later than March 15, 2014 regarding the following:
- Best municipal practices for supporting business retention, expansion, and attraction;
- Barriers to business expansion in Raymond, including specific town regulations and ordinances; and
- Organizational models to promote economic development suited to the town of Raymond, including staff capacity and budget.
This Committee will also be working with Caroline Paras of GPCOG and work on a meeting schedule that will be determined at their organizational meeting.