Town of Raymond Public Calendar
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Table of Contents
- Town Manager's Budget Proposal
- Nomination Papers
- Posted Roads
- Public Hearing
- Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce TV Campaign
- Zoning Board of Appeals
- Tassel Top is hiring for the 2017 Season.
Town Manager's Budget Proposal
To view the Town Manager's budget proposal for the FY 2017-2018 please click HERE.
Nomination Papers
NOMINATION PAPERS will be available beginning 8:30 am, Monday, March 20, 2017
For the following positions:
Selectman – 2 positions for 3 year terms
Budget/Finance Committee – 3 positions for 3 year terms
RSU #14 Board of Directors – 1 position for 3 year term
Positions to be elected on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm at the Jordan Small Middle School gymnasium
Nomination papers are available at the Raymond Town Office during regular office hours. 25, but not over 100, registered Raymond voter signatures are required for being added to the ballot.
The DEADLINE for submission of nomination papers to the Town Clerk is Monday, May 1, 2017, at 4:00 pm.
Posted Roads
Town of Raymond
Road Posting
This is to notify you that Raymond will be closing its roads to vehicles weighing in excess of 23,000 pounds on Friday, March 3, 2017 until May 31, 2017. Routes 85, 121, 302 and the Egypt Road will be exempt from this closure because they are State maintained roads.
29-A M.R.S.A. § 2395
Nathan White, Public Works Director
Public Hearing
Town of Raymond Board of Selectmen
Notice of Public Hearing
Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at 6:30pm
Raymond Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Road
The Town of Raymond Board of Selectmen will hold 2 public hearings on Tuesday, April 11, 2017:
- Malt Liquor License Renewal in accordance with 28-A MRSA §653(1) for consideration of the application for William Coppersmith, Jr., DBA Fisherman's Catch (1270 Roosevelt Trail).
- Revision of Ordinances to be voted at Town Meeting on June 6, 2017, in accordance with 30-A MRSA §3002.
For more information contact the Town Office at 207-655-4742.
Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce TV Campaign
The Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce has put together a program highlighting the Lakes Region area. To view the segment about Raymond you can click HERE. The show will begin airing this month on some local networks and run through to June. To view the entire show you can click HERE which covers other towns in the area in additon to Raymond.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Raymond Needs You!
The ZBA hears appeals from Raymond's Land Use and Shoreland Ordinances. To volunteer on this board you must be at least 18 years of age, reside in Raymond, and be available the last Monday evening of the month. Meetings typically last about an hour and only meet on an as-needed basis. No experience is necessary, just an interest in the well being of the community
Tassel Top is hiring for the 2017 Season.
Tassel Top Park is looking for a few exceptional adults (18+) to join our unique team for the 2017 season. Applicants must be responsible, reliable, have an excellent work ethic, communication and people skills and be able to commit for the entire summer season. Interested parties should print off an application from this site and mail to:
Town of Raymond
Attn: Ranger Sue
401 Webbs Mills Rd
Raymond ME 04071
Deadline for applications is April 8th and interviews will be held in mid to late April.
This is a fun, outdoor job. This is a minimum wage (9.00/hr) part time, seasonal job with flexible schedule... Thank you for your interest!