As of July 2021

We sell by the plot.  The average size of a plot is four (4) feet by eight (8) feet.  The price of a plot in any of our cemeteries is for Raymond residents $400 and for non-residents $1,000.  Multiple contiguous plots are called a lot.

Please see our Cemetery Ordinance for information about how our cemeteries are managed. For more information, please call the Town Clerk’s Office 207-655-4742 ext. 121 or email the Town Clerk at [email protected].

Diagrams of the cemeteries are available at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Burial Permits are required for any burial in the State of Maine.




Dailey Annex of North Raymond Cemetery, North Raymond Road

  • 291 plots in total, 272 available


Hasty Cemetery, Cape Road

  • All lots are taken.


Mountain Road Cemetery, Mountain Road


North Raymond Cemetery, North Raymond Road

  • There are 180 lots and currently 8 lots are available for purchase.


Raymond Hill Cemetery, Raymond Hill Road

There are 3 sections:

  • Oldest section to the left of the church is full
  • Section directly behind the church - roads 1-7 has 92 lots and currently 5 lots are available for purchase
  • New section - roads 8-16 has a total of 144 lots, but only the 1st half or 72 are ready and 2 of those have been sold
  • Grave Information


Raymond Village Cemetery, Mill Street

  • There are 365 lots and currently 24 lots are available for purchase.


Riverside Cemetery, Plains Road

  • There are 320 lots and currently 50 lots are available for purchase.