Town of Raymond Public Calendar
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Table of Contents
- Nomination Papers
- Proposed FY 2018-2019 Budget
- The Town of Raymond Budget Development Schedule for FY 2018/2019
- RSU #14 Budget Timeline
- Posted Roads
- Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing
- Public Hearings - Proposed Ordinance Changes and
- Full Time Fire Fighter/EMT
- Tassel Top is hiring for the 2018 Season.
- Raymond Fire & Rescue ISO Insurance Rating Update
- Become a Foster Grandparent or Senior Companion
- Communtiy Resources - 211 Maine
Nomination Papers
NOMINATION PAPERS will be available beginning 8:30 am, Friday, March 2, 2018
For the following positions:
Selectman – 1 position for 3 year term
Budget/Finance Committee – 3 positions for 3 year terms
Budget/Finance Committee - 1 position for 2 year term
RSU #14 Board of Directors – 1 position for 3 year term
Positions to be elected on Tuesday, June 12, 2018. Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm at the Jordan Small Middle School gymnasium
Nomination papers are available at the Raymond Town Office during regular office hours. 25, but not over 100, registered Raymond voter signatures are required for being added to the ballot.
The DEADLINE for submission of nomination papers to the Town Clerk is Tuesday, April 13, 2018, at 4:00 pm.
The Town of Raymond Budget Development Schedule for FY 2018/2019
Please click HERE to view the budget development schedule. All meetings regarding the FY 2018/2019 budget will be held at 6:30pm at the Broadcast Studio on Tuesday evenings unless otherwise noted. The Annual Town Meeting will be held June 5th, 2018 Tuesday 6:00pm at the Jordan-Small Middle School.
RSU #14 Budget Timeline
Budget Presentations to the RSU #14 Board of Directors:
March 7th - 6:30pm - Windham Town Office - Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment; Special Ed; Windham Manchester School; Raymond Elementary School; Katahdin Shool
March 21st - 6:30pm - Raymond Broadcast Studio - Adult Ed; Windham Primary School; District Office; Transportation; Food Service; Jordan Small Middle School
March 28th - 6:30pm - Windham Town Office - Facilities; Technology; Athletics; Windham High School; Windham Middle School
Deliberation & Voting:
April 4th - 6:30pm - Windham Town Office - Public Forum and Board Deliberation
May 23rd - 6:30pm - Windham High School Auditorium - Public Budget Meeting and Vote
June 12th - Secret Ballot Vote at the polls
- Raymond: 7am to 8pm at JSMS gym
- Windham: 7am to 8pm at WHS auxillary gym
Posted Roads
Town of Raymond
Road Posting
This is to notify you that Raymond will be closing its roads to vehicles weighing in excess of 23,000 pounds on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 until May 1, 2018. Routes 85, 121, 302 and the Egypt Road will be exempt from this closure because they are State maintained roads.
29-A M.R.S.A. § 2395
Click HERE for details.
Nathan White, Public Works Director
Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing
Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Road; Raymond Maine 04071
Monday, April 30, 2018 7:00 PM
You are hereby notified that the Raymond Appeals Board will hold a public hearing at the
Raymond Broadcasting Studio on Monday, April 30, 2018 at 7:00 pm
to hear information on the following application:
APPLICANT: Donald and Sonya Perkins
LOCATION: 3 Hutchins RD Map: 075 Lot: 016/000; Zone LRR2
REASON: Setback Reduction
There will be a site walk conducted at the above property on April 17, 2018 starting at Town of Raymond Code Enforcement Office at approximately 5:00pm.
Application is available for review at the Town Office during regular business hours.
Public Hearings - Proposed Ordinance Changes and
Town of Raymond Board of Selectmen
Notice of Public Hearings
Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 6:30 pm
Raymond Broadcast Studio
423 Webbs Mills Road
The Town of Raymond Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, for the purpose of receiving public input on the proposed ordinance changes to be included in the Town Warrant for Town Meeting on June 5, 2018.
Also at the April 10, 2018, Board of Selectmen meeting will be held a public hearing to consider the renewal of the liquor license for Fisherman’s Catch.
The complete text of related documents are available HERE and at the Town Office.
Full Time Fire Fighter/EMT
Full Time Fire Fighter/EMT
Raymond Fire & Rescue
This is a Full Time Firefighter/EMT position. The minimum qualifications include: firefighter, EVOC and pump certification. The qualified candidate must hold a current Maine EMT-B or above. The successful candidate must have a clean Maine Driver’s license, criminal record and background checks and pass department required physical conditioning/agility testing. The work schedule is four ten-hour days.
Application and resume with cover letter will be accepted until April 18th at 12 noon at 401 Webbs Mills Road Raymond, Maine, 04071. Application packets are available online HERE, or by picking one up at 1443 Roosevelt Trail Raymond Maine 04071. The Town of Raymond is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For more information, please contact, Chief Bruce D. Tupper at 207-655-1187 or by email at [email protected]
Tassel Top is hiring for the 2018 Season.
Tassel Top Park is looking for a couple of amazing people to join our awesome team for the 2018 season. We are looking for help in most
departments. This is part time hourly work at minimum wage, in a unique setting and with a great bunch of people. You must be a team
player but also able to work independently. Season runs approximately from Memorial Weekend through Labor Day and we need adults that can
work the whole season. If you are a hard worker with an outstanding work ethic and excellent people skills and would like to get paid to
work in a great place where your ideas are valued and you are not just a number, link to application HERE.
Mail to 401 Webbs Mills Rd., Raymond, Maine, 04071
ATT: Ranger Sue. Deadline to receive applications is April 10th.
Interviews held at park in mid to late April.
Raymond Fire & Rescue ISO Insurance Rating Update
The Raymond Fire Department has just undergone our ISO Insurance Services Office rating review. The ISO is “the leading supplier of data analytics for the property/casualty insurance industry” These ratings are used by insurance companies to calculate premiums for residential and commercial structures.
We are proud to announce that we have been re classified to the improved rating of 4/4Y. This is an improvement from our previous rating of 5/8B, including an entire class drop in the hydrant district of our community.
The ratings system is from 1-10 with one being the best, and ten does not meet the minimum rating criteria for recognition. The Department is rated on four major categories including Needed Fire Flow, Communications, Water Supply, and the Fire Department including equipment, staffing, training, distribution of suppression assets, and community risk reduction programs.
Check with your insurance company and see if any rate changes, which may apply to your fire insurance because of this rating. We are proud to provide improved ratings; the new rating is a reflection of our dedication to provide the best possible services within the scope of our budget.
Also, if your interested, the Raymond Fire & Rescue Department has just launched a promotional video on Facebook encouraging citizens to join their department. Click HERE for a link.
Become a Foster Grandparent or Senior Companion
Become a Foster Grandparent or Senior Companion!
The Opportunity Alliance has meaningful volunteer opportunities available for adults 55 and older in Southern Maine. Foster Grandparents are placed in schools and child development centers to support school readiness and academic achievement of children. Senior Companions make independence a reality for isolated elders by visiting clients in their homes and providing transportation assistance for doctor’s appointments and/or grocery shopping.
Volunteers who commit to a minimum of 15 hours/week and meet generous income guidelines, receive a tax-free stipend, mileage and meal reimbursement. All volunteers receive ongoing training, recognition, and supervision.
We are also accepting referrals for individuals interested in having a Senior Companion provide socialization and local transportation.
To learn more about becoming a volunteer or client, please call 207-773-0202 or toll-free at 1-800-698-4959.
Communtiy Resources - 211 Maine
Any residents that are having trouble this time of year with the effects of the extreme cold, whether it be frozen/burst pipes, reduced or no access to heating fuel are encouraged to use 211 Maine as a resource. 211 is a free, confidential information and referral service that connects people of all ages across Maine to local services and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can call, text, email or search their website.
They are available to discuss options, programs and services that can help with heating and utility assistance. Along with financial assistance, health care, mental health, domestic violence and addiction treatment.